So, I'm a huge fan of Carpenter's Classic The Thing. When I heard about the prequel I was extremely cautious. That's right, cautious. Most of the time when movies get done that spin off of a classic bad things result, excuse the pun. Anyway, after watching the 2011 prequel five or so times here's my review.
The original thing was built on whiskey and tension. The prequel had none of these things. There was a drinking scene in the prequel and I thought the directors would have the lackey grab some whiskey but NO. The supposedly rough and tumble chopper pilot was no McCready but he tried to be. Mary ELizabeth Winstead saved the movie from toiling into an overpriced rip off of a classic.
Saving Grace.
The only redeeming scene in the movie and it almost came across as an after thought was the filling scene. I don't want to spoil it as it's best to be seen without any heads up. Let's just say that scene was the best in the film.
Lack of tension
The movie tried to recreate the tension in the original and at times it succeeded but at times it failed. Overall the tension was predictable and trite. IMO, the film should of done away with the subtitles. That would of created more tension, suspicion and immersion.
CG Effects Fail
One of the calling cards to Carpenter's classic are the pre CG special effects. While choreographed better the CG style was apparent and held a lesser impact. Why doesn't Hollywood just go back to the old style? The old effects bloomed in the 80's so why ruin that? In an intimate horror film as the 2011 film tries to be the CG effects just don't fit.
Worth a watch if your a fan. This movie won't create a new generation of Thing fans but hardcore fans will appreciate the storyline and Mary Elizabeth Winstead's cute face vs McCready's gruff beard.
Two Stars out of five.