Monday, December 17, 2018

My Abusive Mother

I don’t want to get into things too much at the moment. I’ve been dealing with an unhealthy relationship with my mother for most of my life. She ranges from various forms  psychological abuse to physical. The degree of what she does varies. From financial manipulation and control to nonstop verbal and psychological abuse.

She is fairly obsessed about me as she basically broke into my house at one point. That is for another time. It’s easy to make lite of this but an abusive mother or parent for that matter can have long lasting effects on a person. The issue I have is the verbal and psychological abuse is beginning to escalate. That is basically why I decided to write about it. I don’t care about put downs or insults but when things go into the area of where physical action could happen that is where I draw the line.

I’ve had my share of threats against me over the years but now I do feel some of these veiled threats may hold merit. So, I’ve decided to write about things a bit.

It is very hard to keep sanity when one is attacked with constant negativity for years. The part I find creepy is that she goes through the same thing over and over. She repeats the same things over and over. She basically has a few phrases and words that she will repeat over and over. It’s the same thing every day just about. Even involving the same people over and over.

Her actions are violent and contain malice. Her movements are maniachal and overtly disgusting. Her face is painted with evil, hatred, disdain, and contempt. She was dumped when she was younger by my father. Basically a women scorned. A man hater. Probably a lesbian by now not 100% sure. For some reason I think she lashes out due to her being dumped by my father when she was pregnant.

I mean honestly I don’t see why anyone would want to be around her. That is for another day. Currently, she has turned this saga about me versus her. All this is very annoying but it’s just how it is with her.

She always has to put on a show for other people. I try not to think she actually has mental problems. I’m not 100% sure now. It’s all childish but at the same time creepy. So, hopefully this annoyance will end with her behavior getting better but I doubt it.. It’s been going on for years but it’s the worst now. So, there is my first blog post about My Abusive Mother.

I’m still trying to figure out what to write so hopefully this won’t be jumbled. I’ve got quite a bit to say.

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