Monday, February 6, 2012

Thoughts on the Super Bowl

Well the Super Bowl is in the books and it was a good one. I don't particularly follow either one of those teams but my mom loves the Giants so by default I found myself rooting for the G-men. The game itself ended up being fairly entertaining as it went down to the last play. Some people were saying the game could of been won by the Patriots if Welker made that catch when there was around four minutes or so left in the game. True but would, coulda, shouldas don't translate into a win. Bottom line is the Giants won a hard faught contest that should be remembered for a long time. The only other thing I can say is what a catch in the last minutes of the game on that long pass from Manning.

My mom is planning to go to the parade for the Giants. If I end up going as well I'll be sure to post some pictures. Oh, and I almost forgot. The performance by Madonna ended up being one of the best shows in the last five to ten years. In my opinion the only one that can be held in the same light was the Paul Mccartney bit a few years back.

Out of all the Super Bowl ads I think my favorite one ended up being the dog that buried the cat and bribed the man not to say anything. Or, or perhaps the Etrade bit with the speed dating. The Etrade ads always make me chuckle. I guess they are a little on the old side and we're all used to them by now. A notable mention goes to the Chevy Truck commercial and the dog rescue beer ad.

On a side note, my book is listed in the online catalogues at stores around the country includings such hot spots as New York and Los Angeles.

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